Midwifery Care Payment and Billing
Cash Pay
Maui Midwifery offers high-quality concierge care at an affordable rate. We are happy to work with you to make a payment plan to meet individual needs. Credit cards are accepted.
Private Insurance
Recouperating reimbursements from insurance companies can be complicated and time consuming, so Maui Midwifery works with a medical billing service called Midwive's Advantage to help cleints with private insurance get the highest reimbursements possible. However, there is no guarantee how much each individual insurance company will cover.
The client should be prepared to pay out-of-pocket upfront for all midwifery fees, and the insurance is billed by the billing company after the birth (insurance companies do not pay upfront). Insurance payments are issued to the midwife sometimes months or years after the birth, and then the midwife is able to reimburse the client.
You can check if your insurance covers midwife services here (Verification of Benefits).
Cost-Sharing Organizations (CSO)
Our clients experienced the best billing outcomes with cost-sharing organizations like Christian Healthcare Ministries and Medi-Share. They pay for the cost of midwifery services, usually in full or close to it through a reimbursement process. Clients should contact their CSO to ensure their midwife is in their system, or take the steps to add her. This may be a simple form for the patient to give her midwife to fill out and have sent back to the CSO.
The client pays her midwife upfront and the CSO reimburses the patient, usually after the baby is born and all costs have been incurred.
Medicaid (MedQUEST)
We are not able to bill Hawai`i medicaid (Quest). At this time, Hawaii MedQUEST recognizes Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) but not midwives without a nursing background (CMs or CPMs) for reimbursement of midwifery care. Sliding scale fees are sometimes available for low-income families.
To discuss your specific financial questions, please call our office at (808)-298-1841 or email whitneyherrelson@mauimidwifery.com.