Midwifery Care During the Childbearing Year
Midwives are healthcare providers during low-risk pregnancies, labor & delivery, and postpartum period.
We provide comprehensive prenatal care including nutritional counceling, monitoring of parent and baby's health, lab tests, and ultrasound referrals.
We provide care during home births, including waterbirths.
During the postpartum period, we provide comprehensive healthcare, including home visits, lactation support, and postpartum depression screening.
Midwives provide care for the newborn up to 6 weeks of age, including monitoring growth, metabolic screening, hearing screening referrals, and heart defect screening.
Interconception and Well-Person Care
Interconception means care for people who are not currently pregnant, but may be planning a pregnancy or are trying to get pregnant.
Well-person care includes pap smears, breast exams, STI screening, family planning counceling, and fertility counceling.
Comprehensive Childbirth Classes
Prepared Childbirth makes learning about pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum experience interesting, informative and fun! We will discuss comfort measures and natural techniques for coping with pain as well as the role of the support person. This class will also delve into post-delivery routine for mom and newborn, as well as postpartum changes, emotions, and breastfeeding.
Direct-to-Consumer Labs/Mobile Phlebotomy Services
Step 1: Order your lab tests online without a doctor's order.
Step 2: Schedule an office appointment for lab collection.
Step 3: Recieve your results in your portal.
Visit Ultalabtests.com/mauimidwifery for more information.

Lactation Support and Education
Prenatal education, postpartum support, newborn support.
Birth Tub Rentals
Inflatable and portable birth tub rental is included in the cost of midwifery services for MM clients. Non-client rental based on availability.
Other waterbirth supplies like a tub liner, faucet adapters, and hose are not included.
Newborn Hearing Screening
Newborn hearing screening is required by the state of Hawaii. The simple test identifies newborns who are likely to have hearing loss and who require further evaluation.